Environmental Health & Safety 
We, the LEA members, need to work together to address Health and Safety Concerns as they arise. If you see something, say something so that it can be addressed and remedied:
- Talk to your Administrator
- Talk to your Building Health and Safety Team
- Talk to your LEA Building Representatives
LEA Health and Safety Committee
The LEA Health and Safety Committee is composed of more than 20 staff members from across the district. This committee was formed in the summer of 2020. We recruited members from every building, representing a variety of roles, so that we could adequately represent the health and safety needs and concerns of a large portion of our staff. During the summer, we gathered information from each building regarding health and safety concerns related to the pandemic. This information was organized and communicated to the governing body of the LEA and used in the bargaining process.
A Joint Labor/Management Health and Safety Committee meets regularly to maintain productive communication around these topics.
Minutes of HW&S Committee Meetings:
First meeting of 2023-2024 School Year: 9/18/23 4:00-5:00
(Google Meet Link to come)
Contact: Rachel Kuberry, Unit A, Central Office, rkuberry@lexingtonma.org
Other Health and Safety JLMC members:
Christina Bakolas | cbakolas@lexingtonma.org | Unit A, PE at LHS | ||
Jane Bergin | jbergin@lexingtonma.org | Unit A, PE at LHS | ||
Raeanne Brazee | rbrazee@lexingtonma.org | Unit A, Nurse at LHS | ||
Conner Catone | ccatone@lexingtonma.org | Unit A, Psychologist at Diamond | ||
Wendy Ditmars | wditmars@lexingtonma.org | Unit A, ELL at LCP | ||
Katie Gerlich | kgerlich@lexingtonma.org | Unit A, ELL at Bowman | ||
Shanna Hayes Bowie | shayesbowie@lexingtonma.org | Unit C, LLP at Clarke | ||
Erica Lawrence | elawrence@lexingtonma.org | Unit A, ELL at Fiske | ||
Zeba McGibbon | emcgibbon@lexingtonma.org | Unit A, Kindergarten at Bridge | ||
Liz Parkinson | eparkinson@lexingtonma.org | DLP at Harrington |
Unhealthy Conditions in Working Spaces
Health, Wellness & Safety Concern Report Form
MTA Environmental Health and Safety Committee
The Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health (MassCOSH)
MA Dept. of Environmental Protection and Department of Public Health
The Massachusetts School Checklist – indoor air quality
DESE Safe and Supportive Schools Commission