LEA Building Representatives are elected at each school building. These Building Representatives are the Association’s grassroots, acting as the liaison between members and the Executive Board.
Building Reps are responsible for the following:
- Welcoming and assisting new LEA members at their schools
- Regularly checking with new LEA members during the school year to answer questions and provide information
- Participating in the recognition of retiring LEA members
- Assisting in the organization of LEA social functions
- Informing the chair of births, deaths and illnesses among LEA members at their schools
- Reporting local, state, and national teacher association information and activities to their buildings
- Informing members at their buildings of the benefits of membership in the LEA
- Raising funds to support the LEA Scholarship Fund
- Running LEA elections at their buildings
- Polling the members at their buildings on particular issues or matters of interest and importance to the LEA
- Attending meetings of the Representative Council when called by the LEA Vice-President and PR&R Chair.
Have a question?
Contact your 2024/2025 LEA Building Rep listed below:
Lexington High School Building Reps:
- Dan Abramovitch- dabramovitch@lexingtonma.org
- Heather Arrigo –Harrigo@lexingtonma.org
- Ed Barry – ebarry@lexingtonma.org
- Renee Bryant – rbryant@lexingtonma.org
- Carin Casey- ccasey@lexingtonma.org
- Chris Doucette – cdoucette@lexingtonma.org
- Liza Granada – mgranada@lexingtonma.org
- Maureen Haviland- mhaviland@lexingtonma.org
- Deb Jackson – djackson@lexingtonma.org
- Laura Sheppard-Brick- lsheppard@lexingtonma.org
- Andre Verner- averner@lexingtonma.org
- David Walsh – dwalsh@lexingtonma.org
Clarke Middle School Building Reps:
- John Goodwin – jgoodwin@lexingtonma.org
- Shanna Hayes Bowie – shayesbowie@lexingtonma.org
- Kerry Richmond – krichmond@lexingtonma.org
- Dana Silverberg – dsilverberg@lexingtonma.org
Diamond Middle School Building Reps:
- Sam Bosbach – sbosbach@lexingtonma.org
- Remy Coombs– jcoombs@lexingtonma.org
- Whitney Factor- wfactor@lexingtonma.org
- Troy Lemay – tlemay@lexingtonma.org
- Frankie Rizzotti – frizzotti@lexingtonma.org
Bowman Building Reps:
- Mayumi Nakamura – mnakamura@lexingtonma.org
- Deanna McLaughlin – demclaughlin@lexingtonma.org
- Catie Sawka – csawka@lexingtonma.org
- Kim Carl – kcarl@lexingtonma.org
Bridge Building Reps:
- Catherine Farley – cfarley@lexingtonma.org
- Renita Haverly – rhaverly@lexingtonma.org
- Zeba McGibbon – emcgibbon@lexingtonma.org
- Leah Rochebert – lrochbert@lexingtonma.org
Estabrook Building Reps:
- Alison Buthlay- abuthlay@lexingtonma.org
- Terri Carfagno- tcarfagno@lexingtonma.org
- Kristina Greco- kgreco@lexingtonma.org
Fiske Building Reps:
- Ashley Sivan – asivan@lexingtonma.org
- Lisa Sullivan- lsullivan@lexingtonma.org
Harrington Building Reps:
- Leah Cramer Gibbs- lcramergibbs@lexingtonma.org
- Katie Savela – ksavela@lexingtonma.org
- Kim Carl – kcarl@lexingtonma.org
Hastings Building Reps:
- Kirsten Sweet – ksweet@lexingtonma.org
- Irfana Syed – isyed@lexingtonma.org
Lexington Children’s Place Building Reps:
- Carissa Parrish- cparrish@lexingtonma.org
- Mary Marifiote- mmarifiote@lexingtonma.org
Central Office Reps:
- Rachel Kuberry- rkuberry@lexingtonma.org
- Krishonda Waters- kwaters@lexingtonma.org
New Member Rep: Vacant